History of Burma

Burma is a magnificent country with a fascinating history. I recently visited there after leaving my home in canmore canada condo rentals. The history is very important to understand the culture. Below are the historic highlights of the country.

In 1886 the British made Burma a province of India. Indians were brought in to fill service jobs. The business interests were encouraged between Chinese, Burmese and Indians. Burma also became the world’s largest exporter of rice. There was lots of resistance towards British rule, and guerilla attacks took place. In retaliation the British destroyed villages, and out of fear the Burmese retaliation stopped.

In the 1920s students also began to resist British rule. There were strikes and anti tax protests. They formed the Thakin movement, which means master. This signified the Burmese wanted to be masters of their own destiny. India and Burma separated during the second World War. Some believed the war presented an opportunity. The nationalists drew a lot of inspiration from Marxist ideologies and under Aung San’s guidance co-founded the Communist Party of Burma. The Japanese promised him military support and training if national up rising occurred. Eventually Aung San drove out the Japanese, and founded the Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League. Japanese were expelled in Burma in 1945.

After, a military administration stayed in Burma under the British, and people wanted to prosecute Aung San. He was involved in a murder in 1942. However, nothing happened because the British supported Aung San because he negotiated Burma’s dependence in 1947. He also sat down with his ministers and drafted the country’s constitution. Just six month later, Aung Sung and several members of his cabinet were gunned down and killed. Nu took over, and he faced many challenges because many people did not see eye to eye with his deeply Buddhist views. So Ne Win stages a coup in 1962 and the country began to decline under his new military dictatorship.

Next week we will be focusing on the other half of Burma’s history under Ne Win’s military dictorship. You’ll see how the country declined under such strict and ruthless rule. We look forward to hearing any questions or insights you have.

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